<delivery>✅ LICENSE KEY FROM THE GAME Tom Clancy´s The Division IS DISPLAYED IN THE BROWSER WINDOW AND COME TO YOUR E-MAIL AUTOMATICALLY AFTER PAYMENT!!! Activation: Uplay/Ubisoft Connect (PC) Region: No regional restrictions (ACTIVATION IN ALL COUNTRIES) Localization: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian Release date: March 8, 2016 Publisher: UBISOFT <attention>--------------------------------- GIFT!!! WRITE A POSITIVE FEEDBACK WITH THE WORDS "I WANT A GIFT" AND DUPLICATE THIS MESSAGE (in the CORRESPONDENCE tab on the Oplata.info order page), THEN YOU GUARANTEED TO GET A RANDOM, CHEAP GAME IN STEAM. If you didn’t write in correspondence with the seller, then you shouldn’t be offended when you don’t receive a gift. ---------------------------------</attention>Game description: The modern world is developing at an incredible speed, but at the same time it is becoming more and more fragile. Imagine a house of cards: it is enough to remove one element - and the structure will collapse. ...Shortly before Christmas, New York City is gripped by a monstrous pandemic. Public and government services cease to function one after another, interruptions in water, food and electricity begin. In just a few days, the streets of the city are engulfed in chaos. And then the Special Squad, a special unit of operational agents, comes into play. In peacetime, they lead the most ordinary life, but when trouble comes, they begin to act. The task of the Special Squad is to save society. When the world collapses, we are its support. </delivery>
<attention>INSTALLATION: • If you do not set Uplay/Ubisoft Connect client, download and install it. (Http://uplay.ubi.com/); • Sign in to your Uplay/Ubisoft Connect account or register a new one if you do not already have one; • Click on the image of the "Gears" and select "Activate Product"; • Enter activation key; • After that, the game will be displayed in the library of games and you can download it.</attention>