<attention> Attention! Instruction: 1. After payment, open your personal account, find your order 2. Send a 16-character UNIQUE/VERIFICATION code to "contact the seller" 3. Send a link to your steam profile 4. Your steam profile should be open to everyone, otherwise transmission will not be available </attention > When you buy this item, you will receive a community award profile on your style, as well as points that can be spent in the glasses store on stickers, backgrounds, displays, even pump your Steam level and more! Points are awarded on your Steam profile. Learn more about glasses here: https://store.steampowered.com/points/shop <attention><delivery>What will your points give you? 1. For each award they give 10 points of experience 2. In the points store you can buy: Seasonal profile, seasonal badge (which gives experience), stickers, backgrounds, displays. Points Shop: https://store.steampowered.com/points/shop 3. The awards themselves, they can be obtained on: Steam profile/Illustrations/Game reviews </delivery></attention> <delivery> Attention! Points/rewards are transferred manually if you make a purchase during working hours - points can be transferred from 5 minutes to 6 hours, if you make a purchase on weekends or at night (MSK software), then delivery can go up to 16h - a request to have patience when buying the goods. You can also contact us in chat and ask if we can give you glasses at this time. </delivery > <attention> <delivery> ATTENTION! 1. Community Awards will be available to you immediately after issue 2. Glasses that you can use in the store will be available only after 14 days 3. At the moment we can transfer ONLY 33000 points to ONE steam account (game reviews do not apply) 4. For each of your REVIEWS for the game we can send another 33000 points, i.e. if you have for example 5 reviews for the games - we can send awards for them in the amount of 165000 points!</delivery > </attention >
Read the description carefully. For wholesale purchases you will receive excellent discounts. For positive feedback, you can get a gift card!